Friday, October 27, 2006

A Year Later

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. - Hebrews 11:8

It has been a whole year since we arrived in Ann Arbor, Michigan from Telford, Pennsylvania. In retrospect, it was one of the craziest times in our lives as a family. After leaving my position as the Next Generation Pastor at Grace Bible Church, we put our old house on the market and secured a mortgage for our new house, we received the crushing news that our expected child's heart had stopped beating and Amy had a miscarriage, we sold our old house in less than a week and had our mortgage for our new house "fall through" a few days before the closing date, we packed all our worldly possessions into a moving truck and said farewell to dear family and friends, we drove to Ann Arbor without knowing where we would settle when we arrived, we miraculously re-secured our mortgage at the eleventh hour and moved into our new house the same day until I started my new position as the Lead Pastor at University Reformed Church.

Did I mention that all of the above events happened in a matter of two weeks? It seems like a distant dream (or nightmare?) or an unimaginable story that happened to someone else, like we were merely observers of the human drama rather than the characters in it. We are just so glad to be on the other side of it all now. A year later, we are looking forward to the arrival of our newborn son, Micah while enjoying our lovely daughter, Elsa more than we could ever imagine.

Elsa helping Amy make Apple Caramel Cake

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